" Najväčšou motiváciou je, že Si..! "
Engagement and competitions
Absolute winner of the opera / operetta competition "Házy Erzsébet" / September 2019
Absolute winner of the "SHARON RESCH AWARD" competition in Chicago / October 2019
New Year's concert at Sava Centar Hall, Belgrade / December 31, 2019,
Operetta - Gala in Šamorín / January 12, 2020
Concert in London, St. Martin in the Fields / January 20, 2020
Recording with the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra / February 4 / 5, 2020
Engagement with the Bregenzer Festspiele in the opera "Impresario Dotcom" / August 2020
Engagement with the State Opera in Košice in the role of Queen Elisabeth in the opera "Roberto Devereux" ( Gaetano Donizetti ) January 2021
Engagement with the the Aalto Theater Essen in the opera "Impresario Dotcom" / March 2021
Engagement with the State Opera in Košice in Role of " Mary " in the Opera "Duchess of Chicago" from E. Kálmán / March 2021
Engagement with the National Opera in Budapest and MÜPA - Eiffel Mühelyház in Role of Mater Gloriosa from Mahler ´s 8th. Symphony / October 2021
Engagement with the National Opera in Budapest in Role of " Queen of the Night" from the opera Magic flute written by W.A. Mozart / July 2022
Engagement with the National Opera in Budapest in Role of " Konstanze" from the opera Abduction from Seraiglio written by W.A. Mozart / October 2022
Engagement with the Slovak National Theater and Bregenzer Festspiele in Role of "Olympia" from the contemporary opera Impresario Dotcom by Ľ. Čekovská / October 2022
Engagement with the National Opera in Budapest in Role of " Queen of the Night" from the Opera Magic flute written by W.A. Mozart / October - November 2022, Japanese tour
Engagement with the State Opera in Košice in Role of " Queen of the Night" from the Opera Magic flute written by W.A. Mozart / February 2023
Engagement with the Landestheater Bregenz in Role of " Maria Stuarda" from the Opera Maria Stuarda written by G, Donizetti / March 2023
Engagement with the State Opera in Košice in Role of " Sylva" from the Operetta Gypsy Princess written by E. Kálmán / May 2023
Engagement with the State Opera in Košice in Role of " Anna Bolena" from the Opera Anna Bolena written by G. Donizetti / June 2023
The 3 New Year's Eve operetta concerts at the Slovak Philharmonic in Bratislava / Decembre 2023, January 2024
The role of Olympia / Ľubica Čekovská - Impresario Dotcom in the National Theater in Bratislava / February 2024
The Role of Katrena in Eugen Suchoň' s opera Krútňava / Whirpool / National Theatre in Košice/ November 29th and 30th 2024.